Sunday, May 19, 2013

Reasons I Elsker DK #40-50

This is going to be a long one because I have quite a few reasons I love Denmark to share before I sign off for the semester. I have worked hard to limit myself to 50 items so although there are many, many more reasons I love Denmark, I will leave it here today.

Biker + Random horses with Danish flags on the cart
Reason #40: The ever exciting and surprising nature of Copenhagen! Practically every day I am in Copenhagen, I stumble upon something strange and wonderful. Sometimes it’s witnessing a moment between two school children, a protest of some sort, a neat street performer, or a person lugging something particularly impressive on their bike (two days ago I saw someone with a cello on her back and a large canvas in one hand). These past few days I’ve wandered into the following scene. It is very typical and things like this never fail to make me smile. I will miss stumbling upon things like dancing polar bears (and an accompanying boom box on a bike), school children singing in a choir on the side of the supermarket, a large piano that appeared in the middle of the main pedestrian street near the round tower, and bike parades.

Reason #41: Lack of a “consumer culture The idea of Walmart or even Target is completely foreign in Denmark and because things are so expensive, people simply don’t buy as much. Everything is smaller here: houses, cars, stores, etc. but things are higher quality. Supermarkets are very, very small (though I’ll admit, are also extremely disorganized). You don’t buy in bulk… it’s not an option, so you buy what you need for the week. There is one small part of one small isle devoted to toiletries and when you want shampoo, you can basically choose between 3 types. I practically have a panic attack at the Target at home looking over the 50+ choices of shampoo in the isle devoted entirely to the 15+ brands, each with options for shampoo for dry hair, long hair, curly hair, increased volume, etc etc etc. Some people may like having choices, but I think it’s ridiculous. Further, most of the “biggest” houses/mansions in Denmark for the absolute wealthiest people would probably be considered upper-middle class homes in the US. And with less space to store “stuff,” you simply don’t accumulate as much. I mentioned back in March that for Kasper’s birthday he got two great presents: a gaming keyboard and new gaming headset. Then he got some money from his other family members (he wants to buy new soccer cleats). While I know that I was very lucky and this is not at all true of everyone in the US, I think that my experience growing up of getting multiple presents on holidays and birthdays is not unique. I have to say, I absolutely love the fact that while many Danes love to shop certainly enjoy clothes or shoe shopping, there is not this obsession with accumulating as much as you can.

Reason #42: Proximity to other countries! While abroad I’ve traveled to London, Amsterdam, France, Norway, and now am on route to Corsica and then Prague. Europe really is at your fingertips and for $75 its possible to hop on a plane and end up in another country with a completely different culture in 45-minutes time!

Rosenborg Slot in the Sprint
 Reason #43: Parks! Denmark is filled with parks and playgrounds that are gathering spots all year round. I’ve picnicked in several gorgeous locations recently and have played alongside the adorable Danish children in many playgrounds. People here revel in springtime weather. I’ve been enjoying it too.

Reason #44: Nyhavn in spring! The colors of the buildings, the street musicians, the groups of friends lounging in the sun while couples stroll hand in hand and people fill the patios of the harbor make Nyhavn during springtime one of my favorite places in Denmark.
Reason #45: The Springtime transformation! I loved this country and city in the winter, but I love it even more in the spring! Everything is different: the trees and bushes are lush shades of green, the streets are filled with people, the bike lanes are absolutely packed, the flowers are in bloom, and the city simply feels more alive. The cold and darkness of the winter makes the spring even sweeter!

Reason #46: Fountains! Fountains and squares are around every corner. During the spring, people dip their feet in the water, eat lunch or sip a drink, and lay (sometimes in very little clothing) soaking up the sunshine.

Reason #47: Daylight! When I first arrived in Denmark, it was pitch black by about 4:15pm. Last night I took a picture from the backyard at 10:15pm. It’s incredible! They’ve still got a month where the days will lengthen and by the solstice in June it will be light for about 20 hours of the day! Incredible!

An ad at the train station
for being a DIS host family
Reason #48: DIS! Spot number 49 has to go to the Danish Institute for Study Abroad, which provided me with the best experience of my life. The things I appreciate the most: The small class sizes, the truly amazing professors, a very wide variety of interesting course subjects, the most hands-on and experiential-based learning I’ve ever had, field studies every Wednesday allowing us to see and engage in the city around us and apply what we learn, the organized field studies (mine to western Denmark and then London), the housing options, the planning that goes into everything (i.e. having my transportation passes at the ready when I arrived), the integration of independent travel breaks, the class budgets that allowed each of our classes to go out to eat together, attend a movie/show together, and bond in many ways outside of the classroom, the many events, and their constant support in every aspect of life abroad.

picture from Kasper's 14th b-day
celebration with the WHOLE
family there together
Reason #49: Danish values! This has been the focus of many posts, but I want to formally state that one of the most significant reasons I love Denmark are Danish values. Equality, community, balance, sacrifice, family, hygge, independence, children/childhood, balance, sustainability, and peace are parts of daily life in Denmark that have made my time so meaningful.

Reason #50: The Hellesens! What can I say? The Hellesens are perhaps the main reason that I love Denmark. I know for a fact that I would have enjoyed my time abroad no matter where I lived, but I know that I could not have enjoyed it this much had I not lived with them. I felt like a part of the family from literally day 1, and have enjoyed every single moment I have spent with them. The things that I have learned from my observations, engagement in their lives, and relationships with them have been incredibly defining. Leaving my daily life with them is perhaps the hardest thing to say goodbye to (and yep, I’m crying now as I write this!). I said it before and I’ll say it again: they may no longer be my “hosts” but they will always, always be my family. I cannot wait to see them again this summer!   

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