Wednesday, May 8, 2013

"Kom nu! Kom nu!"

Monday was a beauuuutiful spring day in Denmark! After a lovely afternoon with Cara and Becca sitting in a park with hundreds of other Danes enjoying the sunshine, I went home to meet Mira for an exciting evening outing!

Becca and Cara looking for a place for us to sit during an afternoon study break
According to all reliable sources, Cara is incapable of taking a candid photo. This was her best attempt
<3 love this girl
Danes enjoying the sunshine
Back at home, I met Mira. When I walked in the door, she presented me with a bouquet of flowers she had picked on her way home from school that afternoon. In the car on the way back from the picnic  Sunday, she had told me that every day she bikes past these bushes of beautiful smelling flowers. She collected some to give to me!
I have the BEST sister ever!!
I had actually had a very rough morning (something that I will explain in my next post) and had been feeling a bit blue all day. When Mira gave me my gift, tears sprang from my eyes. I was afraid that if I explained what was happening I would actually start bawling, so poor Mira was incredibly confused. I gave her a big hug, thanked her, and got ready to go. The evening made me forget my troubles temporarily... thank goodness I have the best sister!

Anyway, after putting my flowers in water, we hopped on our bikes and rode to the Ebjy soccer field to see Lars play in a soccer game!!!
Lars' team is in red
Soccer is a BIG DEAL in Denmark. It is the national sport and is even bigger than handball. Lars had been a semi-pro Danish soccer player before Kasper and Mira were born, but gave up the sport when he became a parent. He started playing again recently (just for fun), but had then sustained an injury and has had back problems for a while. This past Monday was his first soccer game in 2 years... he was very excited! Mira and I went to watch!
I was really, really impressed! Lars had excellent command of the field and his footwork was pretty incredible. While we watched, Mira and I were laughing hysterically because every 5 seconds or so, a different person would start yelling, "Kom nu! Kom nu!" literally, "Come now," but basically meaning, "Come on!" It was said when good things happened, when bad things happened, when no things happened, and anything in between. It was said out of excitement, frustration, anger, and confusion! I've titled this post in honor of their battle cry.

About 20 minutes into the game, I looked beyond the soccer pitch and saw a field filled with sheep! The Ebjy sheep are officially out and about, grazing in their many pastures! Mira suggested the we go over and check them out and I readily agreed.

I've never seen so many sheep! Young sheep, old sheep; big sheep, little sheep; black sheep, white sheep... SO MANY!
Mommy and baby sheep
A family of sheep posing for a picture together
Mira then decided that she wanted to go pet the sheep and thought that the most effective way to approach them would be by impersonating a sheep.
on the approach...
 Over the course of FOURTEEN MINUTES (that's a pretty long time), Mira crawled on her hands and knees, emitting a loud "bahhh" every so often, slowly advancing closer and closer to the pack of grazing sheep. By the time she was only a few feet away, there were only three sheep that remained (the rest had slowly tapered off as she inched closer and closer). I had little faith that any sheep would stay close enough for her to pet them... Amazingly... SHE MADE IT!
She even looks a bit sheep like in her coloring: gray pants, black jacket, and bleach blonde hair!
Sheep on the move (with the game in the background)
Eventually, we said farewell to the sheep, and went back over to the game. At some point Mira announced, "I think we should get an ice cream if they win!" After a pause, she corrected herself, "We should get an ice cream if they lose and a big ice cream if they win!"
They won! 6-0!!!
So Mira and I watched the sun set on the field and enjoyed ice cream cones before peddling home.
While we ate, Mira told me that she loved having a sister and that she was sad I was going home. But, she said, we could still be sisters even if I lived in the USA and she lived in Denmark. I'm very grateful she said exactly what I've been thinking. :-)

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