Friday, May 17, 2013

A plan of action for my final posts

Note: This is mostly for me, but also for any reader who is interested in reading my final posts.

Bags are packed. Boarding passes printed. Final papers turned in. Tonight is my last night in Copenhagen and I have a busy day of travel ahead. I've written my "final reflection," but want to add 3 additional posts before I share it. Therefore, I plan to write them over the next 2 days and then post my last reflection. If you are interested, my final posts include:

A comparison of "then" and "now" (or "winter" versus "summer") in Denmark
Final scenes from Copenhagen
The last set of reasons I Elsker DK
and my end of the semester reflection.

I'm certainly sad, but I am feeling surprisingly ready! And now I sleep so I can function in the morning. ;-)

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