Saturday, February 16, 2013

Reasons I Elsker DK (#14-18)

Odense's main street
Reason #14: Little towns outside of CPH. Prior to my Short Study Tour, I thought Denmark consisted of Copenhagen and Ijby (though I wasn't really conscious of this skewed perception). Once I ventured outside of the city/immediate surrounding areas, I realized just how much more to Denmark there really is! I fell in love with the little towns and cities that we traveled through, each with its own culture, architecture, and energy. My favorite was probably Odense, which is why it has earned a coveted spot on this page!

Reason #15: the ARoS museum in Arhus. If you read the post about the last day of my study tour, you know that we spent a good part of the afternoon at an incredible art museum in Arhus. The museum building itself is part of an exhibit depicting Dante's three kingdoms of death. The photo here is of Helen and me in "heaven" (the rainbow circular glass walkway that overlooks the entire city)! It was a truly divine experience. ;)

In "heaven"! 

The staircase inside the museum leading
from Hell to Heaven

Reason #16: Old churches. While I am not a religious person, I've come to appreciate the incredible architecture of many old churches particularly throughout Europe. I think the reason that I have been struck my Denmark's many churches is because it is interesting for me to consider the role that they have played/currently play in Danish society given that modern Denmark is (like most of Scandinavia) very secular.

Church from Evan's and my exploration several weeks ago

Reason #17: Rooftops. When walking through Copenhagen, Odense, Arhus, or any of the other neighborhoods within these towns that I have visited, I am always struck by the fantastic rooftops. Every morning when I take the train, which rides above the rooftops of the towns we pass by, I fall more in love with Danish architecture. This picture perfectly captures the color, texture, shape, and variety of roofs.

Reason #18: Safety/trust. Denmark has the highest levels of trust among citizens. It is also one of the safest countries in which to live. Not only are there sensible gun laws, but carrying pocket knives and pepper spray is actually illegal. It's taken me a little while to get used to walking around alone in the dark without feeling nervous, but it's common practice. However, the strangest phenomenon to get used to was seeing babies left in their prams (awesome strollers that are kind of like mini-palaces) parked alone outside cafes! It is common practice for mothers to leave their children outside with only a baby monitor tucked in their blankets. Not only do mothers trust that their children will be safe when they return, but they also know that their children sleep better when left in the cold (but of course being bundled up considerably). However, I have been told to expect to see even more strollers outside shops when the weather gets warmer. 

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