Friday, February 1, 2013

Fredag ​​Ekskursion: National Museet

Friday Field Trip: National Museum

Today was a great end to an excellent week! I got up as usual and decided to bike to the train station. The ride was nice (it wasn't even too cold) and I made it in record time. Easy commute and a good first class (Developmental Disorders), but the real fun started during my Danish Language and Culture class.

My class en route to the National Museum

We met in the classroom and then walked over to the National Museum (National Museet). We were split up into groups of 4, and the people who I was assigned to work with are exactly the people I would have picked! Matt, Claire, and Liz are all very nice and and have similar interests/work ethics (i.e. they did not copy down the answers to the questions we were given as fast as possible without looking at anything in the museum to be able to leave more quickly).

Gathering outside getting instructions
Once inside the museum we were assigned to answer questions about a certain period of Danish history. My group learned about the late 1600s-early 1800s and while the information was definitely interesting, the most fun part by far was taking hilarious pictures posing with various artifacts and attempting to mirror some of the pictures/sculptures! I have included the highlights below:

Eh... not bad, but I've certainly done better impressions. 

I wish you could see the painting behind us better because our interpretation is
pretty spot on. I especially like Liz's use of her curly hair to create a beard!
A transaction from the 1800s. Matt is purchasing the key to our locker.
The other really cool part of the museum was this portion of the exhibit with miniature houses/large doll houses (depending on the way that you look at it).
Small replicas of Danish homes/buildings. Very beautiful!
Liz discovered that if you crawled behind the rows of buildings, you could see into the backs of the houses!
We finished our questions early and went to explore other places in the museum including their Egyptian section (always my absolute favorite part of any museum). It wasn't quite as good as the Met, but it was still amazing to think that people actually made the artifacts (something I repeated again and again!).
Liz and me as a mummy/tomb. 
This is the interior of the museum.
When we were finished with our explorations, our group walked back to DIS, which was only about a 15 minute trip (a good thing since Matt and I both had 1:15pm classes). Of course the streets and squares we traveled through were beautiful.
Walk between DIS and the National Museum.
The street outside the bakery in the snow/rain.
After my 1:15 class, I decided that I was sufficiently tired and that I could probably use a rest at home. When I walked out of Vestergade 10A it was snowing!! It was really beautiful, although I realized that I was going to have to ride my bike home from the station. In my mind, I would be half way to being a real Dane after my snowy ride home (since Danes are intense bikers and ride their bikes in the snow and rain). After a ride in the rain I would be officially a part of Danish society! After I picked up pastries for a family breakfast treat tomorrow, I headed home.

When I got off the train at Herlev (my stop), it was snowing hard. I put on my helmet (which I just purchased yesterday and has made me feel significantly safer) and lights, unlocked my bike and ventured out onto the snowy streets. Halfway through my ride home, the snow turned to rain... I had achieved official Dane status!!!

Now I am sitting watching Friends with Helle and Lars. Friends is one of the American TV shows that made it over to Denmark and so apparently my host family has seen each episode many, many times (perfect for me since it is the one TV show that I own on DVD and have seen countless times... especially with Noor!).

I'm also planning my weekend activities and trying to fit in both work on a group project and some exploring. I've just been invited to hang out with someone from my Developmental Disorders class and my group from the museum is also talking about hanging out on Sunday! Yay for making friends who are interested in adventuring! I'm up for anything and don't really have much homework to do since next week is Core Course week (meaning the only class that we have is our Core Class AND our first Study Tour!!!). I'll write again at some point this weekend. Love to you all!

1 comment:

  1. I am loving your blog, Sara. You are such an amazing writer and such an observant traveler. It is great to see Denmark through your eyes. Thanks for sharing, Sara. --Cousin Lisa
