Saturday, January 12, 2013

Vi ses i København (See you in Copenhagen)!

Well, I'm finally packed and [pretty much] ready to go! The past 24 hours have flown by. I've been frantically trying to put together an application for a summer job in the midst of also packing for the next 5 months and planning my travel out of Copenhagen for the end of the semester... it's left me very little time to feel nervous (probably a good thing). 

While packing, Mickey decided that he wanted to come to... or at least, to make sure he wasn't going to be left behind alone!
My travel itinerary has me flying out of Washington D.C. later this afternoon to Boston, then from Boston to Iceland and then from Iceland to COPENHAGEN! I will arrive at noon (Denmark time) on Sunday! 

Alright, that's it for now! Vi ses i København (See you in Copenhagen)!

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