Yesterday was Kasper’s 14th birthday, which meant
that I finally got to see Danish birthday festivities first hand! I’d heard
little bits and pieces about Danish traditions from friends who are staying
with other host families, but I was looking forward to experience things for
The day began at 8am when Helle got me up. In Denmark, the
whole family wakes up the birthday person while waving little Danish flags and
signing the Danish happy birthday song. I was handed a flag and Lars, Helle,
and I gathered outside Kasper’s door (Mira was at a volleyball tournament
sleepover and joined us at 10am). In we marched and began to sing. Kasper
rolled over with a big smile on his face.
Still waking up, but enjoying a birthday breakfast feast |
We then went out the dining room table where we feasted on
Danish pastries and breads. Kasper enjoyed his “first drink as a 14 year old”
(chocolate milk) and then was allowed to open his present. I’ll just mentioned
here that growing up, I received multiple presents every birthday, usually one
“big” present and several “smaller” ones. Kapser had picked out one gift he
really wanted (a special keyboard for gaming), which is what he very happily
received. It struck me as really nice that the whole day wasn’t focused on
piles of presents. He did get quite a nice pile of money from his family
members when they came over later in the day, but it wasn’t the focus of the
celebrations at all. He was excited to get his computer keyboard (and was
also really excited to get the Manchester United jacket that I got for him), but the thing that made the day special was what happened later…
Kasper examines his new keyboard |
The jacket that I got him (it fit him perfectly!) |
After breakfast I helped Lars to set up the house to
accommodate 22 people. We moved the kitchen table to the dining room, brought
in loads of spare chairs from the garage, took out the table cloths (with tiny
Danish flags on them), and set the tables. Helle was hard at work in the
kitchen making homemade pizza for 22. We blasted 90s music throughout the house and sang as we prepared, and of course Lars took a break to show me 2 new YouTube videos that he found! :-)
The dough is rising very nicely |
This is literally pizza with meat sauce on top |
This picture was taken BEFORE the pepperoni was added |
Flowers with Danish flags |
Kasper in his new jacket, playing using his new keyboard! This made me so happy |
I then did a bit of homework and cleaning of my room until
2pm when the guests started to arrive. By 2:30, the house was full of family and
close friends: all of Kasper’s aunts, uncles, and cousins on both sides of the
family (except for one of Lars’ brothers), his grandmother, grandfather, Lars’ best
friend and his wife and children, and our family all settled down at the tables to enjoy the delicious homemade pizza.
Part of the GIANT table that ran the whole length of the dining room |
I had a fabulous time playing with the youngest cousins: Elme (who is 4), and Otto and Alnus (1 and a half year old twins).
Kasper playing with Otto while Elme makes a fake pizza |
Otto went from person to person at the giant table, sitting on their lap and turning the pages of the GIANT book |
Uncle Lars and Otto have a good "conversation" about the book |
Alnus and her dad |
Mira and Elme |
Then Lars made a major mistake... he started swinging the twins around, which they absolutely loved. Unfortunately for Lars, they were somewhat unwilling to let the game end!
There goes Alnus |
Now Otto wants his turn |
Uh oh... it's not over? |
Back to Alnus... and on and on |
After about 15 minutes, Lars finally gave up and passed them off to Mira and me.
Cousins <3 |
Then it was time for cake!!! Helle had prepared two delicious birthday cakes: a chocolate and Nutella layer cake, and a strawberry banana cake.
Putting in the candles |
SO good |
This was my favorite (Nutella separated the layers) |
Out come Helle and Lars... everyone starts singing |
Kasper patiently waits while they sing the Danish birthday song (which is REALLY long) |
Finally it's time to blow out the candles and make a wish |
Kasper carefully cuts the cake for everyone to share |
I snapped my favorite picture of the day immediately after Kasper blew out his candles. The shot is below and shows Kasper's vantage point from where he sat at the head of the table. From his seat, he sees a table full of his aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and family friends, who had put the rest of their lives on hold for an afternoon to come together to celebrate him. It was just a really cool scene.
A table of your closest family members, all together in your honor |
We enjoyed our cake and another 45 minutes of conversation, but at around 5:15 people started to head home. Before everyone left, we asked Lars' friend to take a family photo! ...okay, let's be real, I asked Lars' friend to take a family photo! ;-)
Looking at this makes me feel incredibly short |
As soon as the last guests were out the door, we began the process of cleaning up. I was so happy to be able to be a significant help (finally doing something really nice for them).
The table, as the sun sets, covered with the leftovers from a fun afternoon |
The day made me think about how nice it is that Denmark is so small. It means that families are in much, much closer proximity, which allows for extended family members to be actively involved in each others' lives. Mira goes to help with Elme, Otto, and Alnus twice a week; Kasper and Mira saw their grandfather every single day of their lives for their first 7 years (and now see him 3-4 times a week); Lars and his brother and sister talk constantly; Helle and her mother see each other each weekend. This isn't unique to my host family; it's the status quo in Denmark. While the size of the States means that there are many places to live and explore, it also means that we tend to be a lot more spread out. It's a major sacrifice.
The day felt special in all the right ways and I announced to Lars as we cleaned up that I am going to incorporate Danish traditions into how I raise my kids. I love the idea of waking them up with a song and a flag (though I'm not sure which flag I would wave). I love the idea of an extended family birthday party (to the extent that it is possible). It made me really reflect on the things that birthdays should be all about.
Tillykke med fødselsdagen Kasper!
So great! GP says to say hi!