Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The beginning...

So it's the day before the last final of my Junior year at Dickinson. Saturday I will pack up all my stuff, move it home, and settle in for winter break. Yes, the break will be wonderful (no early morning classes, delicious home-cooked meals, catching up with old friends), but I honestly have mixed feelings about everything that's happening. There are positive things: One month from today, at exactly this time, I will be sitting on a plane en route to Copenhagen, Denmark to participate in a semester-long study abroad program with the Danish Institute for Study Abroad (DIS). People keep asking me if I am excited, and while the answer is yes (definitely yes!) it still doesn't actually feel real.

I think more than anything else, my feelings of excitement are overshadowed by my sadness about saying goodbye to many of my friends at school. One of my best friends, Evan, is also coming to DIS, and I literally could not be more excited to get to experience this with him, but saying goodbye to my other friends is proving to be difficult. The next time we see each other will be 9 months from now, at which point we'll be seniors. I have other friends who are seniors this year and will have graduated and moved on by the time I return. It seems that my time at Dickinson has gone by progressively faster with each semester and tonight I find myself sitting here in the library wondering, How did I get here? 

I predict that over the next 4 weeks I will experience an increasing amount of excitement about the trip, and the truth is that when I think or talk about any specific aspect of the program, I already feel it. But tonight (while attempting to study for my statistics exam), I'll allow myself to enjoy spending time with my friends (even though it's meant 3am bedtimes all week) and to be a bit sad about saying goodbye.

Alright, factorial ANOVAs, t-Tests, and correlations... here I come! And then Saturday... home! And I might as well say it: 32 days... COPENHAGEN!

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